Monday, December 31

How to Begin Your Each Day as a New Year’s Day?

I Wish My Readers A Very Happy And Prosperous New Year – 2013

Relieving from the blind-stories, undreamed of, funny and humorous talks about the Doom’s day or End of the World, etc. by the dreadful people in the world who says themselves as the whisperers of God, damn; whom I think may be are lifeless and not less than that of the Aliens from other world… and the people who made them busy of thinking of their death and purchasing or stocking products for their coming future (after end of the world!), really makes me very much laughing and annoying at the end of this year, 2012.  I really wonder how the people think that they’ll live and enjoy even after the end of world! Aren’t they belonging to this world?

Just get rid of all this rumors and humors, concentrating on your job and daily life with a little bit of social services and spreading love in this world; and think about the whole day how you’ve enjoyed and served this world or the people nearby you before going to bed and relax! What I think the more you served and pleased with your work will gives the perfect happiness and a complete sleep in night. Never think and worry about your job burdens and responsibilities; just relax, work mentally, peacefully, from the heart with a lot of smile on your face… see there is no burden, no anxiety for next day. In addition, respecting your profession and your superiors whilst loving your subordinates, can only gives an easy and completion of work pleasure.

You might have seen and may be following the New Year’s Resolution; which I never admired and opted in my life. This is because; people are making these resolutions either to lose or avoid some bad habits or uncover the bad habits with some good attempts. But practically the thing doesn’t work until you’ve decided mentally or heartily from the day you’ve planned (or thought to begin from the 1st of January) and practically stepped onto that.

Every night while going to bed, I’m planning to get early in the morning and go for jogging and do a little bit exercise or yoga; as I became 80kilo, which is too much excess as compared to my height… but failing! Failing to wake and do regularly; albeit not regular for a week also. How could it result? Do you think it works? Never! Until and unless you’ve decided strictly and prepare a day plan or day activities, you’ll never come out for a successive result.
Activity planning for every week, and then month; and even doing a tiny activity of your personal and professional life without losing can only gear up for next day and give complete satisfaction on you. You can feel such kind of fervor and zeal that shape your attitude and approach to begin your next day as a New Year’s Day

Happy New Year!


  1. Nice Thoughts! Thanks for Sharing!
    Wish You and Your Family A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year - 2013

    1. Thanks for reading and I Wish you too a very happy and prosperous new year! All the best!


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Naresh Behera


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