Selecting a proper credit counseling agency is really great decision making for who’s already under great trouble with debts or bankruptcy or bad credit scores. Nowadays you can see there are thousands of agencies and organizations wandering surrounded by you; but you may not practically experience their profession and service. It is really a matter of concern for the people who searches for such counsels; however there is nothing obscurity if you encounter the below mentioned five guidelines.
- Consult friends, family & relatives: You may be hesitating to tell or share about financial problems with your friends and relatives; but asking or getting suggestions to resolve a matter doesn’t weaken you. This is because, lending, borrowing and crediting became very common in the society where you live; more than one fifth of population faces the same problem and go to a credit counseling agency or firm for resolving the issues. Therefore, ask your friends, family and relatives to know about the best firm or agency nearby you and don’t be hastening to jump into.
- Search for a trusted and mature organization: Searching and knowing in this age is not a big issue as there is a lot of source and media surrounded by us. Either you can search over internet or through consultancies or directly with an appointment. At first, try to know how long the company or firm is running and visit the organizations which are referred by your friends and relatives at first. The longevity of a company will makes you more confident and confirms about its legitimate that it won’t leave you in between the process of your debt management.
- Must be a licensed and accredited one: Even though the company or organization is an old one and trusted by many people; you must check their license and if accredited by an ISO certification or anything else. National Foundation of Credit Counseling (NFCC), Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA) has a list of accredited organizations under them; you can search in their websites and know the accredited firms nearby you. The firms must be licensed and follow the rules of govt. and / or the country’s departments of credit counseling.
- Ask them about their services and compare with others: It is one of the important factors after choosing a referred, trusted, matured, licensed and accredited organization. Everything you got to know outwardly but now try to know more about the inward processes; how they deal with the customers, how far they (counselors) educated, how they charges to the customers (famed organizations will not charge for any consultation), how is their data management (know the method of secrecy) etc. and compare these matters with other firms.
- Know about the consultation fees, preliminary fees and monthly fees: Make confirm about the fees at first meet only. Generally in U.K. the consultancy fee is absolutely free; however in U.S.A. some organizations charge a little. But be careful, the consultancy fees must not be higher than $50. You can ask for some discount or waive-off also. Then after complete satisfactory about the company or firm, make confirm the preliminary or account opening charges and monthly fees (if they’ve) for their services. Read completely and thoroughly about the terms, conditions, fees structure, late fees and ask by writing whatever you’ve doubts and queries to the Credit Counseling Agency to make clear your debts fruitfully.
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